JeanBowe:: Jean Bowe Strickland [Index]  

Jean Bowe Strickland

This is the website of Jean Bowe Strickland!

Books about the Augusta, Georgia, Area:

  • NEW! William Robinson School, A Scrapbook of Memories. JUST OUT IN TIME FOR HOLIDAY GIVING!
  • Four Builders of Augusta, Georgia, 1850-1950. Bowe and Markwalter Families in Construction.
  • Five Fortune Tellers of New Windsor. Tobler, Zubly, Meyer, Sturzenegger, and Nail, Swiss Pioneer Families of South Carolina.
  • Lutheran Records in Augusta, Georgia, 1863-1921. Parish Registers and History in four volumes.

    Historical Play:

  • On Stage with the Founding Fathers.

    Beach Condo Rental

  • Tybee Island Rental Condo -- Brass Rail Villa #212

    Virtual Museum Contents:

    Family members -> [ LOGIN ]