“On Stage With the Founding Fathers”
A play by Miss Erdman Bowe (1893-1979)
Erdman taught American History in high school for many years in Savannah, Georgia. She wrote this play to help the students in her history classes to understand the Constitution, and what it means to our country. There are enough parts, some very small, to give each student in the class a chance to participate in the play. The play, using the name “The Convention,” was given by the Augusta Players Youth Theatre as part of our Bicentennial events. It was recognized as their “Best Play of the Year.” It was given several different years in Savannah, at Commercial High School. It is suitable for use in schools or by D.A.R. and other groups interested in our national heritage.
Price: $1.00 per copy
Classroom Set: 30 copies for $15.00
To order, write to Jeanealogy@yak.net .